Friday, May 16, 2008

My Guy

Well I am dating now and I won't say finally because it's not like I had time to sit around a fill sorry for myself anytime in the past. So today you get to read my thoughts on dating or what ever happens to come off the tip of my fingers today.
When I first moved here we went to Union meeting down in CO and since Nish and Jim have a van I went with them and Floyd. Well someone down there that didn't take the time to find out that I was Nisha's sister and had just moved here called Floyd's mom after meeting and told her it was really nice that his girlfriend had come to meeting. So we sorta laughed about that but didn't really think to much of it though Jim kept telling me I should give him a chance and ask him out sometime. Honestly my thoughts on that where that he was a goofy kid that lived here in town and was always over at Nish and Jim's so if I wanted to spend time there then I would have to put up with him also.
So I put up with him which wasn't really to hard to do as we all spent time together and get along well. Then in Feb I was coming home from Kearney and still had 1/2 day off before I had to go to work the next day and everyone else was still out of town so I called him up and we spent the afternoon together. I was quite amazed that we got along so well on our own and had fun. So off and on through the next months we started hanging out more and more together. Then May 4th he was trying to get up the right words to ask me out which he rather stumbled around on and never quite got the words out so I go over to Nish and Jim's the next day and she tells me that Floyd told them we were now dating. Well good thing they are here. If I have any questions about what's going on in my life I can just ask them. LOL.
So last Sunday night before I get off of work I get a phone call from Floyd asking me if I can come over after work. This is 10 at night and he has to get up early to go to work but I stopped by anyway and he showed me what he had been doing that day. Thats when I found out he could be really romantic also. He has a hanging cherry tree in the front yard that has loads of white blossoms on it right now. He cleaned out from under the tree and put a bench there to sit on. It smelled beautiful under there.


Huisman5 said...

How sweet! Now--you should have him post a blog on his thoughts! I'm happy for you guys! When things are meant to happen--they do! And we aren't always looking for them to happen! That's when they are the best! Loved talking to you the other day.

The J's said...

Does he know you talk about him behind his back? LOL! Just teasing, keep up the great journal!

jrjelinek said...

I don't talk about him behind his back I type infront of him. LOL. No he gets to read my page. I do need to get a picture though.

jrjelinek said...
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