Sunday, November 30, 2008


Sky full of red ballons after the first Husker TD

The martching band spelling out Huskers

Getting ready to start the game.

Before the game started. This was when we got to our seats the first time. We had been in line when the gates opened but had to go back to the car to drop some stuff off that we couldn't take into the stadium.

Sea of red. Walking down the overpass seeing all the people milling about for the first time.

Thanksgiving dinner. Very good. Turkey with dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, yams, and little jellos and Rubarb, strawberry pie for dessert and more waiting for us when we got to Omaha.

Playing my father in law in Othelo

The little jellos. The one on took looked like a smiley face.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Out of order

We went to Mom and Dad's for Kyrie's birthday party. These are some of the many faces we saw there.

I forgot to take a picture of dinner.

Kyrie playing monopoly with uncle Floyd

Trey playing cars

Kyrie playing dress up.

Trey getting ready to take pictures.

We had the kids over for the evening on Sat night. When we were at Walmart earlier we decided to get some toys for our house when they came over. We got a dress up trunk for Kyrie and a color tot toy for Trey but forgot the batteries for it so he played cars instead. After lunch on Sunday Kyrie wanted to stay and play so she did. She got a little multi playing in what with dress up and getting to play a board game with uncle Floyd both.

I had Nish and family over but forgot to take a picture of my pretty Longaburger set table. The video is from last week. Kyrie was posing Trey to take pictures while he was trying to take pictures with the camera.