Thursday, August 21, 2008


Well I went to our program orientation today. Lots of paper work to fill out and things to get done before hand which by yesterday afternoon I finally got done. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. So we got packets today and filled out a bunch of papers as well as got to meet some of our instructors and then people from the nursing home in town came to talk to us to try and recruit as well as the hospital. We got our schedules for this semester as well as test and quiz dates which is really nice because then we know a head of time when our quizzes and test will be and she also put on which chapter in the book they would be on. So we have a paper due on Monday when classes start and a quiz on Wed but that is over beginning abbreviations that we use every day at work any way so not to worried about that. We get a day off every month and 3 weeks of for Christmas break as well as 3 days off school at Thanksgiving so that will be nice. Only a day and a week until the wedding so I'm glad the first week of school won't be to hectic. I'm sure I will be blogging more about school later but until then its almost wedding time.