Friday, October 23, 2009

Almost a month.

Cousin Kyrie like to keep me close every chance she gets and I like to be snuggled.

I am starting to keep my eyes open more to observe this crazy world that I live in.

My longies from Auntie Layna. These are so nice and warm.

Look how big I'm getting. These are some of my favorite sleepers. So nice and cuddly and warm. When she is wearing these I don't have to worry about her kicking the blanket off which she likes to do.


Anonymous said...

I've thought she looked like G'pa Ogden but I see some Jessi in her these days too! Isn't funny to see the bits and pieces of others that mix together to make her LYRAH?

jrjelinek said...

Yep. I think its neat how she is her own little person totally but then when I take pictures of her or get just a fleating expresion then you can see different people.