Fun with Christmas lights.
Floyd and Wes.
We went to Heritage Square and watched the Charels Dickens play A cricket on the hearth.
Trey getting ready to take pictures.
We had the kids over for the evening on Sat night. When we were at Walmart earlier we decided to get some toys for our house when they came over. We got a dress up trunk for Kyrie and a color tot toy for Trey but forgot the batteries for it so he played cars instead. After lunch on Sunday Kyrie wanted to stay and play so she did. She got a little multi playing in what with dress up and getting to play a board game with uncle Floyd both.
I had Nish and family over but forgot to take a picture of my pretty Longaburger set table. The video is from last week. Kyrie was posing Trey to take pictures while he was trying to take pictures with the camera.