Tuesday, April 7, 2009

For lack of anything else stupid people

So as I am sure you all know and have experienced either first or second hand or someone you know has experienced the job market is not a place you want to be searching on in this day and age. I mean really I would not like to be out looking for a job especially when I have a perfectly good one and it is in no jeopardy of running out or not having enough work or my boss laying some of us off for a period of weeks. In this profession that just doesn't happen. So I was very surprised when at work today to of the employee's left for lunch and never came back. After an hour of no phone calls, no car wrecks or other accidents reported no new admits in the hospital ect well what was the boss to do but call the state and turn them in for resident abandonment. I mean who would jeopardize their job in this day and age like that??? This means that these people can never work any where in the state again at their job or for that matter any other state. Now how can you really feel sorry for people like that? Well that is how my night went how is your day going?