Two of my favorite baby pictures. I don't know why they show up sideways as they are not like that in my picture file.
I was losing weight and still am because of my gallbladder problems so the Dr wanted to do an ultrasound to make sure baby girl was growing okay. She is, she measured in at 4.5lbs and from the pictures looks like she is getting fat on her checks. I had a gallbladder ultrasound also because I've been having a lot of upper right side back pain. My gallbladder is full of gallstones which I don't think I can do anything about before I have this baby so its try to eat a low fat diet. I am proud to say I haven't had any caffeine now for 2 1/2 weeks. As far as foods that bother me well I am still figuring that out and still end up having attacks a few times a week but it is getting better I think. I did find out that organic apple cider vinegar in hot water with some hunny in with it to help the taste takes care of the heartburn so now I only have pain in my back instead of back and front.